Wednesday, March 22, 2023

Important Tips to Ensure Your Child Does Well in Exams

 No matter how hard you try to avoid it, exams are an important factor in your child performance.

Examinations are not everything, but they are a necessary step towards admission to a prestigious institution and a successful profession. Regrettably, there are instances when your child’s learns and works hard yet fails to obtain decent grades.

As a parent, this is exceedingly upsetting for you. With the increased competitiveness in board examinations, it is even more crucial to guide your child properly. The good news is that you can make a difference and help your child perform better without exhausting yourself.

Your youngster is subjected to a variety of distractions, including the internet, social media and a lack of attention, to mention a few. It may appear difficult, but taking little action daily may result in positive change.

So, in this blog, we will go over six tried-and-true strategies for ensuring your child performance receives better grades while remaining stress-free.

Determine Their Learning Style

Every student learns at a different speed and their understanding of subjects differs greatly.

Now, say you are comparing your kid with someone else and driving him to do innumerable assignments. In that scenario, this is the most serious mistake you can do to jeopardize your child’s academic progress.

As a parent, it is past time for you to recognize that studying for long periods does not imply that your child can acquire more material. Stacking facts in their heads is not what we call effective learning.

Examine their study habits and what makes them remember the material. Is it extended, interrupted sessions or do they require a 30-minute break?

You can discuss it in PTM meetings because teachers review every student’s performance and know what might improve your child’s learning behavior. Teachers at the top ICSE school Dehradun provide parents with healthy study recommendations.

Reduce Distractions

Everyone, including your child, encounters distractions in our fast-paced world. It may be music, social media, Netflix or any number of other things.

You must determine which distraction is affecting your child’s performance and address it appropriately. However, if you entirely eliminate these practices, they may lose interest in their academics.

So, instead of completely eliminating what they like doing, attempt to substitute it with something different.

For example, if your child enjoys listening to music while studying, this might be a problem, therefore limit their listening to instrumental music. You will be able to cope with the situation better this way.

Don’t Delegate Your Worries to Them

There is a lot of stress in your life—from job to money—and on top of that, you worry about your child’s education. But, this does not imply that you pass the same to their little shoulders.

You should calm them down and provide them with sound advice, especially if the examinations are looming. It becomes tiring for children to remain focused amid all the tension.

A clean mind can perform better, which is precisely what they require. Let them know that their efforts will be rewarded in the end.

Address Their Shortcomings

There may have been instances when your youngster grumbled, ‘Maths is terrifying’ or ‘SST is so dull it makes me sleep’. In such cases, it’s futile to expect excellent marks from your kid if he/she struggles with a specific topic.

You should identify their grey zones and devise techniques for dealing with such topics or notions.

You can compel them to attend tuition for that topic or plan their schedule so that they practice their weak areas every day. Encourage them to offer additional mock examinations in order to learn difficult academic topics.

The difficulty levels rises with each passing grade and if you don’t take prompt action, your child will grow to despise the subject even more.

Create A Study Plan and An Exam Strategy

Attempting an exam without a strategy and studying without suitable methods is a formula for disaster. A well-thought-out strategy is essential if you want to assist your youngster in getting the most out of his/her efforts.

Bring their exam sheets home and analyze where they went wrong or what they can do better. Have them sit with you and compile a note of any errors or issues they had while taking examinations.

Create a review plan and flashcards for major historical events, mathematics formulas, physics laws, accounting formulas and so on. Developing an exam approach allows your youngster to focus more than just scribbling ideas on the answer page.

Instruct them how to create presentable responses, which part to try first and how to split time between different questions. Request that they complete parts with a greater weightage first. Once these mechanisms are in place, it will be much simpler for your child to excel.

Many ICSE schools in Dehradun make it certain to provide thorough strategy sessions for high school students before examinations.

Provide Rewards That Encourage Them

Experts argue that rewards are more effective than punishment, yet parents in Indian homes use punishment to motivate their children to do better.

Let us undo this and adopt a better method that does not harm your child’s mental health. Establish goals for your child and make sure to praise them every time they achieve them.

These goals might be short-term or long-term. As a reward, you may give them their favorite cuisine; let them watch TV, bring them to their favorite spot and so on. All of these prizes will have a great influence on your youngster and provide the necessary drive.

Never forget to draw a line in the sand on how much you demand from your child. You can always talk to them and express your opinions, but if you’re a parent of a teen, don’t forget to give them room. After all, anything is fine as long as it stays within the limits.

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